Hi friends,
With the recall in the rearview, the next big story in California was a pair of newly signed laws: Senate Bills 9 and 10.
Both bills try to help the state's affordable housing crisis. So... will they?
Here's some background:
There's no question that the state needs more homes. For decades, California’s household population has been growing at a faster rate than its housing supply (until last year, oddly enough).
But critics argue that these bills are not the answer. SB 9 in particular has drawn heat from advocates for Black and brown communities, low-income and unhoused populations. The bill has no affordability requirements for new units, and opponents say it opens the door to further gentrification.
Also questionable are the logistics of actually splitting your lot and building new units. Under SB 9, the homeowner must first pay off their existing mortgage. Then there's the challenge of getting a big construction loan at a time when building costs are extremely high (and in an extreme-HCOL city like San Francisco? fuggedaboutit).
Statewide, "just 5.4% of single-family parcels would be financially capable of supporting new housing as a result of SB 9," according to estimates by UC Berkeley's Terner Center. At best that would mean ~700k new housing units, about 1/5th of Governor Newsom's desired 3.5m by 2025.
Ultimately, more housing is good, and the state should get some thanks to these bills. But it will be pricey, it will take years, it won't necessarily be where it's most needed, and certainly not in enough quantity to solve the housing conundrum. But hey... it's something.
If you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them.
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