Living IS easy in Bernal Heights! The North slope has the new Precita Park Cafe and an awesome corner store, Harvest Hills, on Folsom and Bessie. And up on the Hill along the Cortland corridor, there are cafes, bakeries, restaurants, and cute little shops to satisfy your every need. Afraid you'll never get to them all? Don't be! Come to Bernal Heights' 2nd Annual Summer Solstice Stroll on Thursday, June 21st, and pop into any number of participating businesses (open late on this special night) for a bite to eat, some shopping or browsing, or a refreshing beverage (I prefer a cold glass of Presecco). And, don't forget your library card -- your Summer "beach reads" await!
Come on up and enjoy the longest day of the year with a stroll with your family, friends, dogs, and a few of your fellow San Franciscans.
A special thanks to the Bernal Business Alliance for this wonderful event.