The Outer Sunset does have style or so says the NYTimes in a recent profile of San Francisco's Outer Sunset District.
In real estate terms, the Outer Sunset stretches from Sunset Boulevard on the East to Ocean Beach on the West and Ortega Street on the South to Lincoln Way on the North. At least in terms of the MLS Map of San Francisco real estate districts, there is a distinction between "Outer Sunset" and "Outer Parkside" which would be the southern half of the Outer Avenues, from Ortega south to Sloat.
Since the publication of the article in the New York Times, and in particular, after the poor choice of words in the NYT online Outer Sunset photo essay (C'mon, bleak? Even we have to agree that was a bit much and we're fairly snobby here at SFHotlist!), it's seems there's been a deluge of opinion and witty repartee in the usual spots like CurbedSF, etc.
Regardless of the poorly edited text of the online photos, in our opinion, this is good news for the somewhat sleepy district and real estate home values, of course! We kind of doubt the 'hood will soon be overrun with New Yorkers anytime soon! But hey, maybe that would mean more cute spots for a nosh post Ocean Beach small dog walk!
Want more Outer Sunset recommendations? Check out Yelp Outer Sunset.